Thursday, July 22, 2021

Mesquite Chicken Fajita wrap


Cut the peppers 🫑 length wise. After washing of course. I have 3 peppers here.Do the same to the red onion. 1 onion

I took 2 boneless, skinless chicken breast and cut strips with them.

I put the chicken in a zip lock and covered them with Grill Mates Mesquite seasoning. 2 packs

Put the chicken on my braiser and put the lid on to keep them moist. Let that sit until cooked. 

After the chicken is cooked, then you add the peppers and onion and let it all marinate on medium low with the lid on to keep the moisture for about 5-7 minutes. Take the lid off and a mix it around. Let the water dissipate until just a little is left.
Add as much as you want to a burrito tortilla then I like to add a bit of shredded cheddar cheese and a line of ranch. This is soooo good. 

Bon Apetite!!

